Services to choose from include DIAL Plus (our upgraded metered service), DIAL Leisuretime (unmetered off-peak only) and DIAL Anytime (unmetered at any time).
Competitively priced packages benefit from all the below value added features.
Broadband ADSL offers an "always on" high speed connection to the Internet. Packages available include various bandwidth levels for DIY self-instal & engineer installed for home or office use. To benefit from ADSL Broadband you must have a BT telephone line and your local telephone exchange must be ADSL enabled. Please use this ADSL availability checker before signing up. Competitively priced packages benefit from all the below value added features. Existing Dial clients can upgrade their account to Broadband and keep their existing Abel email and web addresses.
The Abel web portal, available to view at home.abel.co.uk, provides dial-up customers with up-to-the-minute news headlines, Abel DIAL service updates, and integrated access to search services including Altavista, Excite, Google, Lycos, Yahoo! and The Open Directory.
Signup Please read our T & C and contact us with your requirements.