The records of the Commissariot of Brechin are in NRS CC3. The series CC3/1 are Act Books.
This minute of the records in NRS CC3/1/6 was kindly provided by Jan Haraldson, who writes:
The original does not have page numbering so the numbering is my own and it starts with the first page with any content. I have included dates sometimes and sometimes not, but there are enough dates to be of value when trying to be of guidance when finding the originals. The dates refers to the date of registration or decision in the court not the date of the deeds, which could have been much earlier.
I have added the column Notes, with suggested readings for some surnames and place-names. The vast majority of the people listed are in Angus or Kincardineshire.
Alex: Alexander | And: Andrew | burg: burgess | cit: citiner [citizen] | Da: David | dtr: daughter | ||
eld: elder | exer: executor(s) | Geo: George | Ja: James | ||||
Marg: Margaret | merch: merchant | messr: messenger | Pa: Patrick | port: portioner | pror: proc | Rot: Robert | sd: said |
sp: spouse | Th: Thomas | umqll: umquhile [deceased] | |||||
Walt: Walter | Wm: William | yr: younger |
air: heir; | fear: fiar; | notar: notary; | oy: grandchild |
Page | Date | Parties | Notes |
1 | 1625/9/21 | Edict Brechin test umqll Jean Ogilvy sp to Mr Alex Bissat minister Brechin - Jean Magdalene & Grissel Mortimer children to John Mortimer sometime of Cragiewar, Ja Watt in Kindrochit, Th Rea in Brechin, John Matheris, And Thomson, Jonet Fe.ears?, Ja Watt | |
1625/9/28 | Edict Brechin test umqll John Paterson in Vindeage - [blank] sp to Walt Lamb in Brechin, Walt Spens the ponat?, Mr Th Low in Brechin, .. sp to Rot Farlie, Jonet Gardner, Catherine Languall her dtr?, [blank] Stevenson dtr to umqll Alex Stevenson merch, Bessie Quhyt in Kinerage, Marg Pold? in Vindeage, Jonet Reasson in Leuchland, Agnes Hall sp to Ja Downie, Elspet Speik in Nether Pitforthie, John Huntar in Perhill?, Agnes comtam?, Da Rikart in Vindshor, Bessie Fyff sp to Th Cob in Vatterston, John Still, Christian Cob sp to Alex Syme in Unthank, Marg Spommer sp to John Kyd in Drumis, Jonet Watson sp to Da Quhyt in Stamiebrys, Bessie Petrie sp to John Shipheid there, Geo Neische there, Wm Kyd there, Da Patton in Cotton of Stanieche? John Mueson in Quhifflmylne, Alex Neische in Kindrochit, Wm Lwman in Pendrige, John Croill in Kethik, Isobell Michell sp to John Hind, Geo Quhyt in Leuchland, John Findloson messenger, Marg Mylne sp to Ja ....., Wm Patton in Cotton of Arnott, Alex Scott, John Langlands bonatmaker Jonet Duncan relict to umqll Th Tangall?, And Clark brabiner in Pethill, Isobell Rossie sp to Henry Pringeill? Jonet Beg sp to Th Da in ........, John Ferne merchant, Marg Lindsay his sp, Th Collace of Pitfortey, Ja Livingstone of Caldhame, Jonet Ferear, John Mylne meilmaker in Brechin, [blank] Matheris son to John Matheris wright, Wm Mourton cit Brechin, Th Henton in Kindrochit, Rot Rollok eld cit Brechin, [blank] sp to Da Black in Staineche | ||
2 | 1625/9/28 | Edict Marytoun umqll Isobell Wod sp to Th Bunzeon in Fullaton - John Watson in Bonitoun, And Watson his son, Wm Gregie in Cotton of ..., Wm Huitton? There, John Lenrik there, Mekeson sp to Ja Buzeon in Fullaton, John Hall in Auld Montrose, Marg Car sp to Th Greige there, umqll [blank] Mothars, John Sottar in Marytoun, [blank] Da brother to [blank] Da smythe in Auld Montrose, Geo Thomson?, Wm Blewhous, Helen Buchart, John Speid in Dyshit, Isobell Farqr, John Gallroy, John Moncreiff in Auld Montrose, [blank] Bowman sp to Geo Carnegie in Auld Montrose | |
1625/9/28 | Edict Montrose John Profeit at the Mylne of Borrowfeild, Alex? Profeit his son - Th Mackie, Catherine Graham lady Calender, Isobell Ogilvy sp to Laurence Oliphant, John Murray in Montrose, Agnes Crage sp to Da Pressok, Christiane Lindsay sp to John Renny, Isobell Guthrie and Alex Gilbert her sp, Wm Macken eld, Isobell Wyss? sp to John Vyiz, Mariore Steill sp to Pa Thomson, Da Scott there, Jonet Essie sp to Ja Cudbert in Newbiggin, Alex Johnston in Kynnaber, Rot Kethe eld in Montrose, John Erskine of Tryok, Jonet Mirgon, Jean Guthrie relict to umqll Mr Ja Wishart, Marg Erskine sp to Mr Da Erskine burg Montrose, Ja Lichtoun in Montrose, Rot Gilbert mariner, Alex Daffie? skipper, Arthur Hamilton skipper, Alex Makcaincall? mariner, Helen Renny sp to And Clark maltman, Jonet Moncur sp to Mr Samuel Ramsay minister, And Mylne maltman, John Millar there, [blank] Burges sp to Da Angus taylor | ||
3 | 1625/9/28 | Edict Fernell umqll Matild Johnston in Namfurd? - Elspet Junkin in Clo., Walt Michell there, Marg Shiphird, Th Coull, Mariore Langlands in Gemdey, John Broun in Fernell, John Craill in Cotton of Futhe, Geills Hog sp to Wm Scott there, Marg Wat sp to John Bang?, Marg Coull in Carcarie, Jonet Fleschour there, Cathrine Carnegie sp to Walt Daw, [blank] Ramsay sp to John Mylne in Futhe, [blank] Scrymgeour sp to Wm Car in Fernell, Matild Low sp to Ja Wyllie, Geo Scot in Futhe, Da Wuidroue in Litill Carcare, Isobell Inglis sp to Geo Scott, Grissell Robertson sp to Alex Stewart, Jonet Vyllie sp to Pa Dagatie in Gowingeid, Catherine Falcon & And Fleschour, Alex Mylne in Mekill Carcarie, Catherine Scott sp to Ja Simpson in West Futhe, [blank] Mureson sp to Alex Robertson in Vestheid, Marg Jameson sp to And Vuidrein? in Litill Carcarie, [blank] Scott sp to Ja ..... in Litill Futhe | |
1625/9/28 | Edict umqll John Yeaman eld merchant in Dundee, Euphame Goldman his sp, Da & Mariore? Yeaman their children - Ja Ballandie merchant, Catherine Frendright there, Isobell Gardyne there, Isobell Smythe sp to Th Craill eld, Henry Knyt in Fre, Ja Ogilvy .. In Dundee, Isobell Est [continued...] | ||
4 | [cont] Pa Anderson, Mariore Scrymgeour, Barbara Auchinlek sp to Alex Wedderburne, And Peit skipper, Bessie Buchart, Marg Dewqris & Catherine Greiff spouses to John Howat maltman, John Duncan hukstar?, Wm Thomson, Isobell Gilbert sp to John Watson wright, Mariore Buchart sp to John Syme baillie, Th Wilson, John Souttar, And Ratray skipper, Th Baine? stablir, John Ha.. stabler, Rot Sande maltman, Ja Rollok of Balbegy, Isobell Shewane sp to John Meall, Euphame Low sp to John Newby, Gilbert Smart merchant, Mariore Buchart sp to Ja Flonas, John Michell skipper, Bessie Crak sp to Da Robertson cordiner, Helen Syme servant to And Gellitie, Isobell Fotheringham sp to Henry Smart, Th Moncur, Rot Mores, Helen Scot sp to .. Millar, Marg Craig sp to Man. Crage merchant, Jonet Adamson sp to Da Vaidlaw stabler, Ja Gray in Fre, Marg Pearson sp to Th Davidson skipper, Elspet Villie sp to John Dynnes, Bessie Lousson sp to John Gellitie, Bessie Gray sp to Allan Pearson, Christian Dorwart sp to Pa Knyt mariner, Christiane Mylne sp to Geo Roberston, John Barrie brabiner, Grissell Sibbald sp to Th Abircrombe, John Mudie, Pa Knyt, And Quhyt horshyrner, Jonet Ramsay sp to John Mairtin, John Clayhills merchant, Pa Quhyt varkman, Bessie Jafray sp to Henry Howatt, Isobell Guthrie dtr to Rot Guthrie maltman, Marg Pearson relict to umqll Th davidson, Elspet Clayhills sp to Mainss? Broun skipper, Jonet Richardson? sp to And Da, Isobell Cunningham, Agnes Henderson sp to John Ramsay, Ja Petre in Hill of Crege, Th Bell maltman, Bessie Low sp Pa Velli. Geo Moncur taylor , Marg Bemner sp to Ja Moiss, Isobell Leslie sp to Alex Neway maltman, Barbara Duncan sp to Henry Jameson, John Allan, And Douglas, Begis Broun sp to Rot Petre, Catherine Low sp to Da Wilson, Wm Nicoll maltman, Isobell Smythe sp to Th Jonston, And Peitt skipper, Pa Quhyt ..., Dorwart sp to John Cargill, Jonet Barbor sp to Rot Cuill? mariner, Isobell Daw sp to Ja Kinloch, Abraham Cuiksklaw, And Huchson mariner, Helen Burne sp to John Kay maltman, Richard Air? maltman, Marg Dorwart sp to Wm Thomson maltman, Agnes Low sp to Da Meill taylor, And Chrichton maltman, Besie Fenton sp to Anton Lainge?, And Kinnimont bonatmaker, Isobell Gardner sp to Da Vandles, Jonet Forbes sp to John Taylor, Th Herot , Helen Alschende sp to Donald Robertson, Marg Smart sp to Da Barclay, Helen Fyff relict to umqll Wm Hall, Th Fyof baxter, John Wache maltman, Alex Ratray, Elspet Duncan, Pa Lousson, John Wilson, Th Fyiff, Jonet Guidlett, Marg Broun, And Duncan, Wm Kinloche, John Rinkin, Marg Bruce, Helen Hamilton, Christina Huchon sp to Ja Donaldson skynner, Marg Vallter? in Fene, Bessie Donaldson sp to Henry Clark cordiner, Agnes Gilbert sp to Da Aleson, Isobell Bane? sp to John Traiston?, Mr Wm Wedderburne minister, Bessie Bane relict to umqll Geo Mudie, Jonet Rorie sp to Wm Robertson, Marg Morgon sp to Balgr? Fyif mariner, Marg Air relict to umqll Da Estlair, Marg Dymie dtr to John Drymie merchant, Barbara Huntar dtr to umqll Da Huntar burgess Dundee, Agnes Taylor? sp to Da Flendge maltman, Th Robertson maltman, Barbara Kyd sp to Th Ireland, Marg Findloson sp to Th Man, Christiane Mylne sp to Rot Watson, Isobell Kyd , Marg Goldman sp to Mr Ja Wedderburne, Jonet Maky, Pa Wedderburne, Mr Ja Robertson minister, Helen Broun, Marg Robertson, And Ireland, | ||
5 | [cont] Grissell Spalding relict to umqll Wm Saidler, John Durham mariner, Euphame Maky, Barbara Trakwair, Da Machane in Fene, Rot Douglas in Dundie, Marg Neishe sp to John Lousson, Elspet Balcathe, Alex Clark maltman, Alex Carnegie in Hill of Dundee, Jonet Sibbald relict to umqll Walter Ogilvy, John Coppin wright, Euphame Fotheringham sp to Da Heffnall, John Preston, Isobell Thomson sp to John Taylor, Barbara Shiphird sp to Alex Boyis, Jonet Cuik sp to John Millar, Beatrix Futhe sp to And Huchon, John Frear, Isobell Lousson sp to Alex Hodge, Elspet Beaton sp to Rot Jack, Christiane Lamb sp to And Duncan, Geo Gray maltman, Da Mudie taylor, Rot Huchonie sklaiter, Jonet Kellie in Hill, Da Hay in Fre, Jonet Lousson sp to Th Spanze, Pa S. merch, Catherine Coppin in Hill, Jonet Petre sp to John Lousson, Jonet Caittins sp to Henry Ramsay, Marg Mewin? sp to John Chrichton, Alex Kyd, Alex Jonston glassinwright, And Coup merchant, Christiane Huchon, Rot Forster, Marion Roger in Fere, Marg Machan, Isobell Clark sp to Wm Leiss, Da Baldowe of that ilk, And Simpson maltman, Jonet Nory sp to Wm Robertson cordiner, Bessie Baire sp to Geo Mudie, Ja Mudie, Agnes Gray sp to Ja Mudie at the Mylne of [blank], Marg Kethe, lady Duntrune, Marg Baldowr sp to Rot Durham in Crege, Isobell Fleschor sp to And Boyttar, Isobell Clark sp to Da Neway, Christian Man sp to Rot Anderson, Barbara Baldowie sp to Henry Guthrie mariner, Rot Morgoun maltman, Alex Jack maltman, Catherine Bruce sp to Wm Mackfarland, Jonet Nicoll sp to Ja Reid, John Clark candilmaker, Alex Couttie merch, Isobell Glenny sp to Th Gibson, Catherine Paull servant to Mr Ja Gray, Jonet Lessells? sp to John Guthrie, Wm Strachan cordiner, Rot Ramsay cordiner, Wm Hill baxter, Barbara Hay sp to John Ogilvy, Rot Watson maltman, Isobell Murray sp to Th Gurlay, Da Saltar yr, Isobell Lennox sp to Ja Dun cordiner, Wm & [blank] Clayhills children to Rot Clayhills merch, And Adam brabiner, Wm Low, Elspet Gib, Christiane Robertson sp to Nicoll Richardson maltman, Christiane Ramsay sp to John Mylne cordiner, Marg [blank] sp to Alex Preston skipper, Agnes Thomas sp to Ja Gray mariner, Walt Lichton skipper, Elspet Neway sp to Alex Durham, Geo Chepman, Rot Morgoun maltman, Elspet Ogilvy sp to Pa Langlands, Marg Jack dtr to Rot Jack, Christiane Howme maivyiff [midwife?], Isobell Barbor sp to And Will merch, Helen Arbuthnot sp to Da Vyid, Helen Ramsay sp to Mr Alex Wedderburne clark, Marg Yeaman sp to Wm Huntar merch, Henry Ramsay cordiner, Agnes Rinkin sp to John Rinkin mariner, John Duncan bonatmaker, Isobell Spanze sp to John Quhittit? Isobell Ramsay sp to Alex Gibson bonatmaker, Th Guild cordiner, Agnes Carnegie sp to John Patton, Rot Aleson hammerman, Ja Robertson bonatmaker, Agnes Smythe sp to Wm Glenny, Anna Aleson sp to Ja Boytar, Elspet Rinkin sp to Henry Boys maltman. | ||
6 | 1625/10/5 | Edict Dunnichen umqll John Robert in Dunnichen - [blank] Taylor sp John Car in Crathe, Elspet Broun sp to John Laird in Auchterlony, And Michell in Tullois, Da Nicoll there, John Neishe in Auchterlony, Bessie Alexander sp to Da Cudbert in Druin, Alex Donald there, Isobell Sturrok sp to Pa Lard, Christiane Steven sp to Alex Kay, Edward Scot in Drumcarnot, Agnes Gibson sp to Roger Sturrok, Isobell Sturrok sp to Alex Rynd, Marg Sturrok sp to Geo Valler, Marior Barrie sp to Wm Corssr | |
1625/10/5 | Edict Finneven umqll Christian Shiphird in Hilsyd - John Mortimer in Parkfurd, Euphame Lindsay sp to John Cant in Kirkinbuss, Agnes Dymies sp to Th Dickson in Blakdykis, Jonet Junkin sp to Th Gibson in Achnadey, Da Sampson in Quhytforiet, Marg Lindsay sp to Alex Mortimer in Kingseatt, Elspet Vilkie sp to Da Darqe, Christian Lindsay sp to Ja Dewqr, Euphane Strachan in Volflaw, Wm Duncan in Garlabank, Ja Neishe in Vuidearge, Jonet Neishe sp to Da Dorge, Christiane Adam relict to umqll Da Smart in Bognilk?, umqll John Petre in Volflaw, John Mathew in Bankheid, Rot Sampson in Vindeage, Ales Foid, [blankl] Muir sp to Da Lainge in Hilsyd | ||
7 | 1625/10/10 | Da bishop of Brechin - tennementor of Pitpullokis, Kindrochit & Kincrage | |
1625/10/19 | Edict Lethnot umqll Da Breik in Huichill? - Rot Gole in Achkarny, Wm Archibald there, John Annerdaill there, Ja Maritoun in Finnache, Ja Strachan, Th Strachan his son, Da Simpson in Vittoun, Wm Adam in Achlochre, Elisabeth Lindsay, Th Williamson in Airpeitht, Ja Burne in Anletoun, Wm Mairtin in Tillerdowne | ||
1625/10/19 | Edict Nauers? Umqll Walt Duncan in Lichtoune? - Th Taylor in Bratow, Henry Fairweather in Blairno, Isobell Wilson sp to Alex Duncan in Lichtoune, Helen Paterson sp to Geo Cob, Th Gold in Braco, Isobell Smart sp to Th Duncan, Agnes Chrystison relict to umqll Th Findloson, Wm Michell in Blairnow, Cathrine Brok sp to Archibald Bonnar, Jonet Findlo sp to Ja Huntar, Walt Olipher, Alex Gib in Tilleburne, Jonet Gold in Tilleburne, Jonet Bellie, Mariore Young in Watterheid, Steven Mache? in Tillequhillie, John Taylor, And Archibald in Petmudy, Intror Th Young, Ja Young his son, Intror Rot Chrystison, Wm Dorwart & his wife to the dead, And Couper and his wife, Wm Daine in Dorwart intror to them. | ||
8 | 1625/10/26 | Intror umqll Da Edward merch burg Dundee | |
1625/10/26 | Testament dative for umqll Marg Wilkie relict to umqll Pa Guthrie merch in Dundee | ||
1625/10/26 | Decret Da bishop of Brechin - Ja Bellie in Kindrockit, Jonet Jack & Da Daikers her son, Marg Bousson there, [blank] Speid there, Richard Speid yr in Pitpullokis, Wm James, Geo & Th Speid there, Elspet Bell there | ||
9 | 1625/10/29 | Decret Richard Speid eld in Pitpullokis, Ja & Wm Millar there - Da bishop of Brechin | |
1625/10/31 | Decret Ja & John Watson in Kincrage - Da bishop of Brechin | ||
1625/11/12 | Executors to umqll John Croill in Kethik - Agnes Noray relict & executrix to Da Carnegie of Drumgrain | ||
10 | 1625/11/16 | Decret John Jameson in Carcare - Ja Bull, John Wallatyne burgesses Montrose & Wm Maken merch burg Edinburgh & burgess Montrose | |
11 | 1625/11/23 | Executors of umqll John Croill in Kethik - Agnes Noray relict executrix to umqll Da Carnegie of Drumgrain | |
1625/11/23 | Decret Elspet Pearson in Kethik - Elspet Bell executrix to umqll John Croill in Kethik | ||
12 | 1625/11/26 | Decret Elspet Bell executrix umqll John Croill in Kethik - Agnes Noray relict executrix to umqll Da Carnegie of Drumgrain | |
13 | 1625/11/26 | Decret Elspet Bell executrix umqll John Croill in Kethik - John Low in Stracathrow | |
1625/11/26 | Decret Regration Mr John Livingstone of Caldhame eldest son to umqll Ja Livingstone of Caldhame - John Collace fear of Bonmon [Balnamon?] in the parish of Menmuir, Alex Erskine of Dun, John Mortimer of Flams | ||
15 | 1625/11/28 | Edict umqll John Ogilvy brother germ to Sir Da Ogilvy of Cloway | |
1625/11/30 | Decret Mr Rot Noray chantor of Brechin - John Hind in Kethik, John Reid yr in Ardo, John Reid eld | ||
16 | 1625/11/30 | Edict Stracathrow umqll Da Ferear in Stracathroe - Isobell Thomson sp to Rot Will in Drymme, Henry Bellie in Ardo, Marg Raitt sp to Arthur Malder at the Mylne of Syid | |
1625/12/3 | Edict umqll Da Yeaman merch burg Dundee - Geo Hay son to Mr Peter Hay of Nauchtoun | ||
1625/12/3 | Charge Mariore Durham relict to umqll And Ross burg Dundee, Elspet Mariore Marg & Grissell Ross as exer to him - Rot Rollok app of Muirtoun | ||
17 | 1625/12/3 | Ja Wilson son to umqll Marg Beattie relict to umqll John Wilson burg Montrose - Wm Beattie burg Montrose | |
18 | 1625/12/10 | Rot Rollok app of Muirtoun - Mariore Durham relict to umqll And Ross burg Dundee, Elspet Mariore Marg & Grissell Ross his children | |
1625/12/14 | Geo Hay eldest son to Mr Peter Hay of Nauchtoun - umqll Da Yeaman merch burg Dundee, Mariore Kynnard his relict, Da Huntar now her sp | ||
1625/12/14 | Marg Erskine relict exer to umqll John Erskine of Tayok, Wm Ouchterlony now her sp | ||
19 | 1625/12/17 | Mariore Durham relict exer to umqll And Ross burg Dundee - Rot Rollok fear of Muirtoun | |
1625/12/17 | David lord Carnegie of Kynnard, Alex Clark skipper in Westhewin of Panbryd - Th Clark burg Dundee son to umqll Th Clark skipper in West Fere | ||
1625/12/19 | Ja Wilson son to umqll Marg Beattie relict to umqll John Wilson burg Montrose - Wm Beattie burg Montrose | ||
20 | 1625/12/21 | Decret Rot Rollok app of Muirtoun, umqll Ja Rollok merch burg Dundee sometime in Monksholm - Peter Blair brother to Wm Blair of Balgillow, John Ramsay - Mariore Durham relict to umqll And Ross burg Dundee | |
21 | 1626/1/4 | Edict umqll Harry earl of Crawford, Alex Lindsay his son | |
22 | 1626/1/9 | Claim by Mr Henry Pearson burg Arbroath - Marg Collace exer to umqll Mr Joseph Rea minister Cortachy | |
1626/1/9 | Ja Wilson - Wm Beattie | ||
1626/1/11 | Edict umqll Geo Knox merch cit Brechin, Marg Knox his dtr | ||
1626/1/11 | Isobell Paterson relict to umqll Geo Knox merch cit Brechin | ||
23 | 1626/1/11 | Elspet Jean Margaret & Isobell Wright children exer to umqll Geo Wright cit Brechin, Da Carnow? Sp to sd Elspet - Ja Clark merch cit Brechin - John Collace fear of Bonmone [Balnamon?], Th Burne in Valkerston | |
1626/1/11 | Edict Cortachy umqll John Ogilvy of Brysyid - Marg Michell sp to Th Lindsay in Rottnall, Alex Ogilvy in Glenmoy, Jonet Lindsay his sp, And Donnal in Rottnall, Marg Chrystie sp to Th Quhytt there, Isobell Hendrie sp to Ja Forrester in Corebathall, Alex Donnald in Shank, And Ogilvy in Ficheill, Mariore Robbie his sp, Jonet Findlo sp to And Ogilvy, Mariore Bruce sp to Wm Trottar in Colzennie - Da Ogilvy of Peirsie only lawfull brother alive to sd umqll John O of B | ||
24 | 1626/1/11 | Decret Da lord Carnegie of Kynnard - Th Clark burg Dundee son to umqll Th Clark skipper in West Fere, Alex Clark skipper in Westhewin of Panbryd brother to umqll Th C | |
25 | 1626/2/13 | Wm Beattie burg Montrose - Ja Wilson in Montrose | |
26 | 1626/2/15 | Ja Wilson in Montrose - Wm Beattie in Montrose exer to umqll Marg Beattie in Montrose | |
1626/3/4 | Wm Beattie burg Montrose, umqll Marg Beattie in Montrose - Ja Wilson in Montrose her son | ||
1626/3/6 | Ja Robertson servitor to Rot Carnegie of Leuchland - Geo Howme chalmerlane to the earl of Mar | ||
1626/3/8 | Decret Ja Robertson servitor to Rot Carnegie of Leuchland - Geo Howme chalmerlane to the earl of Mar - Elspet Fairweather in Kincrage | ||
27 | 1626/3/13 | Wm Beattie in Montrose - Ja Wilson | |
1626/3/15 | Ja Wilson - Wm Beattie in Montrose | ||
1626/3/15 | Edict umqll Ja Souttar son to umqll Ja Souttar in Auchdowe - John Car in Pentostall - John Thomas & Marg Souttar brothers & sister to sd umqll Ja S | ||
1626/3/20 | Ja Wilson son to umqll Marg Beattie in Montrose - Wm Beattie burg Montrose | ||
28 | 1626/3/29 | Edict umqll Barbara Huntar dtr to umqll Da Huntar burg Dundee - Mr Wm Huntar his son | |
1626/4/19 | Claim Pa Ammer in Panbryd - Peter Jameson on Cotton of Carnegie, John Greige, Ja Moreis there, Th Gray there, Jonet Watt there, Th Jonston in Heucheid, John Ferrar in Balhill, Ja Kyd in Panbryd, Nicolas Ramsay relict to umqll Da Meilmaker there | ||
1626/4/26 | Da Lindsay commisar deputy, Pa Lindsay commissar of Brechin | ||
29 | 1626/4/29 | Da bishop of Brechin - Geo earl of Crawford | |
1626/4/29 | John Man parson of Menmuir - Ja Fairweather in Blairnow | ||
1626/5/1 | Absolvitor John Ferrear in Balhill of Panmure, Martha Saidler his sp - Pa Ammer in Panbryd, John Mylne his servitor Rot Clark in Rottonraw of Panbryd, Wm Clark his son | ||
30 | 1626/5/3 | Th Renny merch burg Montrose - Ja Cochrane merch burg Dundee | |
1626/5/3 | Edict Monikie umqll Geo Lundie in Densyd - And Anderson in West Densyd, John Forest in Saidlistane, Wm Bowack in Thinlek, Da Coup in Ferinfauld, Beatrix Nicoll sp to Da Hayok?, Jean Guthrie sp to Da Fotheringham, Ja Broun in Dwnie, Da Meilmaker in Scotfaulds, And Maule of Guildie, Ja Rait at the mylne of Auchinlek, Da Bowar in Newlands, Ja Jaffarson in Cotton of Guldie, John Guld in Cotton of Dunikein, Jonet Lindsay his sp, Rot Adam there, Da Scott in Garthe, Martha Caittnis sp to Ja Rait in Andehtie, Geills Bennet sp to John Meilmaker, John Meill & Jonet Suan? his sp in Dunfurd?, And Duncan in Cragtoun, Alex Guild in Cragtoun, Da Ramsay & Isobell Daiss his sp, Hugh Lindsay in Fellauis | ||
1626/5/3 | Edict Dundee umqll And Gill merch burg Dundee, Catherine Gill his dtr | ||
31 | 1626/5/3 | Ja Fairweather - John Man parson of Menmuir | |
1626/5/6 | John Man parson of Menmuir - Ja Fairweather in Blairno | ||
1626/5/6 | Alex Carnegie of Drumgrain - Elspet Jean Marg & Isobell Wright exer to umqll Geo Wright notar, Da Carnow, Ja Clark merch | ||
1626/5/8 | Decret Pa Ammer in Panbryd - Peter Jameson in Cotton of Carnegie, John Greige geiff in Carnegie - Jonet Watt - Th Johnston in Heuchheid - John Ferrear in Balhill | ||
32 | 1626/5/8 | Decret Pa Ammer in Panbryd - Ja Kyd in Panbryd, Nicola Ramsay his sp | |
1626/5/8 | Pa Ammer - Nicolas Ramsay in Panbryd, Ja Kyd now her sp | ||
1626/5/8 | Decret John Mylne bowar burg Montrose - Marg Erskine relict exer to umqll John Erskine of Tayok sometime of Newbiggin, Wm Ouchterlony now her sp | ||
34 | 1626/5/10 | John Man parson of Menmuir - Ja Fairweather in Blairno | |
1626/5/13 | Decret Pa Ammer in Panbryd - Nicolas Ramsay relict to umqll Da Meilmaker in Kirktoun of Panbryd, Ja Kyd now her sp | ||
35 | 1626/5/15 | Rot Neishe - Alex Speid cordiner | |
1626/5/17 | Alex Speid cordiner at the Mekill Mylne of Brechin - Rot Neishe at the Hauche Mylne | ||
1626/5/17 | Edict Thomas Rot & And Shewan children to umqll Ja Shewan minister at Nawer [Navar] & Marg Erskine his sp their mother - nearest of kin on the sd children on the fathers side: Da Shewan burg Montrose, John Shewan son & air to umqll Da Shewan burg Dundee, Th Liddell his tutor - nearest of kin to the sd children on the mother side: Th Erskine at the Mylne of Arrott, Geo Erskine in Rottraw of Dun - John Man parson of Menmuir, Mr John Piggott minister Lethnot | ||
36 | 1626/5/20 | Elspet Jean Margaret & Isobell Wright exer to umqll Geo Wright notar, Da Carnow, Ja Clark | |
37 | 1626/5/24 | Decret Alex Carnegie of Drumgraine - Elspet Jean Margaret & Isobell Wright children & exer to umqll Geo Wright cit Brechin, Da Carnow merch cit Brechin, Ja Clark merch cit Brechin their curators | |
38 | [blank] | ||
39 | 1626/5/31 | Ja Rinkin taylor burg Dundee - John Fyif baxter burg Dundee son & air to umqll Th Fyif baxter Dundee - Jonet Robson exer & air to umqll John Robson baxter in Dundee, Da Kynnard now her sp | |
1626/6/7 | Ja Ramsay son & air to umqll Th Ramsay maltman burg Dundee, Ja Findloson, Ja Ramsay burg Dundee his curators - Euphame & Elisabeth Auchinlek exer to umqll Rot Auchinlek | ||
1626/6/7 | Mr Wm Huntar, umqll Barbara Huntar his sister | ||
40 | 1626/6/12 | Euphame & Elisabeth Auchinlek exer to umqll Rot Auchinlek skinner burg Dundee - Ja Ramsay son & air to umqll Th Ramsay maltman burg Dundee, Ja Findloson, Ja Ramsay his curators | |
1626/6/14 | umqll Barbara Huntar dtr to umqll Da Huntar burg Dundee - Mr Wm Huntar son to sd umqll Da H | ||
42 | 1626/6/19 | Sir Da Ogilvy of Cloway, Mr Ja Lindsay wadsetter of Fedderge - Th Ogilvy in Federege, Th Lindsay there, John Neshe there, And Lindsay thee, John Hendrie as intror to umqll Th & John Hendrie, Da Lindsay there Ja Forestar there tennants & possesors thereof | |
1626/6/19 | Sir Da Ogilvy of Cloway - John Quhyt, Ja Donnald, [blank] Kynnimont, Alex Donnald, Wm Ogilvy, Th Ogilvy his cautioner, Th Ogilvy in Fedderege cautioner for And Lindsay | ||
1626/6/18 | Sir Da Ogilvy of Cloway - tennants of Fedderege | ||
43 | 1626/6/18 | Edict Dundee umqll Bessie Peitter sp to Ja Dickeson cordiner in Dundee - Marg Gary sp to umqll Geo Kynnard portioner of Inschtuir?, Da Smyth mariner, Agnes Scot his sp, Isobell Lindsay sp to Ja Durham, Jean Ramsay sp to An Broun coup, Pa Yeaman merch, Da Robertson cordiner, Rot Vandlis maltman, Wm Scot son to Da Scott notar, Marion Young relict to umqll John Shewan, umqll Geo Kinloch skipper burg Dundee | |
1626/6/18 | Edict umqll Da Dickie burg Montrose - Da Crege burg Montrose, Elspet Petrie relict to umqll Rot Lichtoun there, Bessie Littilljohn dtr to umqll Ja Littilljohn there, Agnes Watson sp to Rot Lyell mariner, Marg Lindsay sp to Da Fone? There, Arthur Anderson skipper there, Ja Jarfray merch there, Isobell Anderson sp to John Anderson in Hill of Hesserveik?, Th Renny in Newmansvalls | ||
1626/7/5 | Sir Da Ogilvy of Cloway - tennants of Fedderege | ||
44 | 1626/7/22 | Marion Fell relict exer to umqll Wm Rannaldson in Dundee - John Meall burg Dundee, Euphame Dorward his sp | |
1626/7/22 | John Meall burg Dundee - Marion Fell relict exer to umqll Wm Rannaldson in Dundee | ||
1626/7/22 | Mr Pa Fraser in Inschmarnow - Bessie Blacklawis intror to umqll Archibald Chepman in Balquhairne - umqll Wm Chepman, Wm Home | ||
1626/7/24 | Peter Browne servitor to lord Erskine exer surrogat to umqll Jonet Gardine relict to umqll John Langnell cit Brechin - Mr Alex Bissett minister Brechin, Marg Fullarton his sp, John Mortimer sometime fear of Cragowar [blank] Symmer his sp, Th Liddell eld cit Brechin, Marg Cowe his sp, Da Watt there, Elspet Gray his sp | ||
45 | 1626/7/26 | Decret Peter Browne servitor to lord Erskine exer surrogat to umqll Jonet Gardine relict to umqll John Langnell cit Brechin - Mr Alex Bissett minister Brechin, Marg Fullarton his sp, John Mortimer sometime fear of Cragewar [blank] Symmer his sp, Th Liddell eld cit Brechin, Marg Cowe his sp, Da Watt there, Elspet Gray his sp | |
47 | 1626/7/26 | Isobell Paterson relict to umqll Geo Knox merch cit Brechin - Alex Beattie merch burg Montrose | |
1626/7/26 | Edict umqll Helen Carnegie sp to umqll Ja Ramsay cordiner Dundee - Geo Kinloch in Dundee, Peter Kinloch his son, And Blakie bonnatmaker, Alex Carnegie bonnatmaker, And Cob bonnatmaker | ||
48 | 1626/7/26 | John Yeaman yr merch burg Dundee tutor to Marg Yeaman dtr to him & his sp umqll Marg Pearson | |
1626/8/26 | Liquidation John Oudny | ||
49 | 1628/8/30 | Edict Lechlie umqll [blank] Chrystison in Achroune, Ja Lindsay in Kenne?, Jonet Donaldson his sp, John Ross in Achroune, Jonet Duncan his sp, Geo Low in Achloche, Bessie Chrystie sp to Ja Bruce in Achloche, John Low in Carncorss, Marg Ballie his sp, Marg Smythe mother to John Low in Achloche, Jonet Be? sp to John Michell in Ballie, Marg Mudie sp to John Mylne in Achloche, Th Ordie servant to John Chrystison in Mylntoun, Jonet Chrystison sp to Alex Maiche, John Wat in Achintoull & his sp, Ja Gold in Carharncorss, Catherine Ramsay his sp, John Mylne in Achroune, Jonet Taylor his sp both dead, pa Wat in Kirktoun, Marg Chrystison sp to Th Chrystison in Blackhills, Th Ballie in Lenmoir, Da Low in Achin, Catherine Chrystison his sp, Marg Gold sp to Da Low in Glentemet, Marg Chrystison sp to Wm Low there, John Chrystison in Mylntoun, John Chrystison in Affalrie, Marion Chrystison sp to Da Mylne in Glenlie, Da Balfour in Achintoull, Marg Huntar in Duwrek | |
1626/10/18 | Edict Brechin umqll Marg Rollok sp to Th Ogilvy cit Brechin - Ja Dempster cit Brech, Christiane Ramsay sp to Ja Clark merch there, [blank] sp to John Thomson in Pendinche, John Murray yr in Kethik, John Strachan in Brechin, John Noray master of Maisondew in Brechin, Alex Nesihe in Kindrockit, [blank] Hansoun? yr, Ja Watt there | ||
50 | 1626/11/8 | Mr Ja Lichtoun minister Dun - Marg Erskine exer to umqll John Erskine of Newbiggin, Wm Ouchterlony now her sp | |
1626/11/8 | Edict Geo & Barbara Bell children to umqll Th Bell in [blank] & Marg Daikeris his sp - nearest of kin on father side: Rot Bell in Dubtoun, Wm Speid in Pitpullokis - nearest of kin on mother side: John Daikers in Auldbar, Alex Daikers in Balylassie | ||
1626/11/11 | Da Browne in Cheppeltoun - John Lindsay in Balfour, Rot Collace of Banmon | ||
51 | 1626/11/13 | Decret Da Browne in Cheppeltoun - John Lindsay in Balfour, Rot Collace of Bonmon, John Collace his son | Bonnymoon = Balnamoon |
52 | 1626/11/15 | Probation, Marg Erskine exer to umqll John Erskine of Tayok & Newbiggin, Wm Ouchterlony now her sp - Mr Ja Lichtoun minister Dun - Alex Erskine of Dun, Th Erskine at Arratsmylne, John Low exer to umqll John Erskine minister Dun, John Mylne in Montrose, Da Guthrie there, John Anderson couper, Rot Bruce in Ramschow | |
53 | 1626/11/18 | Decret Probation, Marg Erskine exer to umqll John Erskine of Tayok & Newbiggin, Wm Ouchterlony now her sp - Mr Ja Lichtoun minister Dun - Alex Erskine of Dun, Th Erskine at Arratsmylne, John Low exer to umqll John Erskine minister Dun, John Mylne in Montrose, Da Guthrie there, John Anderson couper, Rot Bruce in Ramschow | |
55 | 1626/11/18 | Rot Lundie sometime in Gemlegis - Pa Lichtoun burg Montrose inheritor to umqll Rot Lichtoun of Ullishewin | Usan |
1626/11/20 | Claim Ja John Geills Marg & Agnes Petrie exers to umqll John Petrie at the Mylne of Panmure - And Robert in Greinfurd of Auchinlek, Wm Scot in Scotfaulds | ||
1626/11/27 | Claim Ja John Geills Marg & Agnes Petrie exers to umqll John Petrie | ||
56 | 1626/12/18 | Christiane Cokburn relict exer to umqll Da Scott notar burg Dundee - And Scott exer to umqll [blank] Scott to sd umqll Da S | |
1626/12/18 | Decret Regration John Ogilvby son & air to umqll Th Ogilvy of Inshewin - Alex Ogilvy son & air to umqll Alex Ogilvy of Shilhill | ||
59 | 1627/1/15 | John Lyon cit Brechin, Geo Arrot in Lenross - Wm Beattie burg Montrose | |
1627/1/22 | John Lyon cit Brechin, Geo Arrot in Lenross, Da Black in Stainochie, Ja Lyon of Auldbar - John Robert & Wm Beattie burgesses Montrose | ||
60 | 1627/1/24 | Marg Gardyne relict to umqll Mr Th Glower minister Guthrie - Rot Fenton taksman of Guthrie | |
1627/2/3 | Alex Ogilvy now of Schilhill eld son & air to umqll Alex Ogilvy of Schilhill, Christian Arbuthnot his sp - Alex Campbell now of Crewnan son to umqll Geo Campbell of Crewnan - John Ogilvy son & air to umqll Th Ogilvy of Inschewin - Alex Wyllie | ||
62 | 1627/2/14 | Wm Dorward merch burg Dundee - Catherine Henderson exer to umqll Da Smart mariner in Dundee | |
1627/2/14 | Isobell Mylne dtr to umqll Ja Mylne in Kynneteis - Catherine Henderson exer to umqll Da Smart mariner | ||
1627/2/14 | Wm Thomson atyter? in Dundee, Alex Mylne merch there, Pa Powre baxter there, John Jakson miller at the Vatter of Dichtre, Th Scot merch Dundee - Catherine Henderson exer to umqll Da Smart mariner in Dundee her sp | ||
63 | 1627/2/21 | Edict Brechin umqll John Strachan in Brechin - Th Jonston there, Catherine Ramsay sp to Ja Clark merch, Marg Rollok sp to Th Ogilvy there, Marg Millar sp to John Schewan notar there, Marg Duncan sp to Wm Gardner fleschour there | |
1627/2/21 | Edict curatorium Elspet Stevenson minor dtr to umqll Alex Stevenson merch cit Brechin & Agnes Findlason his sp - John Stevenson in Cotton of Drumis, Wm Stevenson in Mossyd of Arnehall nearest of kin on the father side - Rot Findlason skinner cit Brechin, John Schewan notar Brechin nearest of kin on the mother side - Wm Lyon cit Brechin, Th Liddell yr cit Brechin, Rot Findlason skinner in Brechin brother to sd Agnes F | ||
64 | 1627/2/21 | John Kinloch son to umqll Da Kinloch burg Dundee - Jean Wallace relict exer to umqll Wm Kinloch skipper burg Dundee | |
1627/2/24 | Executry umqll Marg Millar sp to John Schewan notar Brechin | ||
65 | 1627/3/14 | Surrogation umqll Geo Kinloch skipper merch burg Dundee, Helen Ramsay his relict | |
1627/3/19 | Decret Agnes Fordyce exer to umqll And Fordyce chirurgeon [surgeon] burg Dundee her brother - Th Robertson notar Dundee | ||
1627/3/19 | Jean Wallace exer to umqll Wm Kinloch skipper burg Dundee - John Kinloch, Wm Haliburton yr burg Dundee | ||
66 | 1627/3/19 | Sir Wm Douglas of Glenbevie, Ja Auchinlek notar Drumleithe - Wm Monitoun brabiner in Allagawin? | |
1627/4/16 | Claim Hugh Maxwell in Auchinlek - John Scott in Newlandheid of Auchinlek | ||
1627/4/21 | John Scott in Newlandheid - High Maxwell | ||
1627/4/30 | Mr Henry Pittillok minister Carmyllie - Ja Anderson in Graystaine, Th Patton & Pa Mekeson in Glencarie | ||
1627/5/7 | Ja Anderson - Mr Henry Pittillok minister Carmyllie | ||
67 | 1627/6/6 | Edict Brechin umqll And Thomson at the Mekill Mylne of Brechin - Marg Rollok sp to Th Ogilvy in Brechin, John Noray master of Maisonde cit Brechin, Agnes Mathie sp to Th Scot merch there, Marg Duncan sp to Wm Gardner fleschour, Th Jonston there, [blank] sp to Da Archibald in Cragend, Rot Farlie taylor Brechin, Jonet Jack in Kindrockit, JohnBlek in Pitpullokis - John Scot son to sd Agnes M & Th S - Marg Fyff relict to sd umqll And T | |
1627/6/9 | Wm Suttie in Cowfurd - Ja Sandeman, Wm Hendrie, Christian Atteschank, John Hendrie | ||
68 | 1627/6/13 | Ja Sandeman sometime in Kilrikfurd now in Watterstoun - Wm Suttie in Cowfurd - Wm Hendrie in Cotton of Leuchland - John Henderson in Cotton of Leuchland | |
1627/6/23 | Ja Watson sometime at the Mylne of Blakdykis now in Kincraige - John Fairweather in Brechin, Wm Jack in Schanfurd | ||
1627/6/27 | Jean Drummond dtr to umqll John Drummond of Blair, Mr Harry Drummond now her sp - John & Ja Butter exer to umqll John Butter of Garmok & Isabella Ogilvy his relict, John Falcon now her sp | ||
69 | 1627/6/27 | Decret Ja Watson sometime at the Mylne of Blakdykis now in Kincraige - John Fairweather maltman cit Brechin, Wm Jack in Schanfurd - umqll Henry Findloson in Vatterstoun, John Wilie in Crosto?, Wm Jack in Schanfurd - Ja Innes messenger | |
70 | 1627/7/9 | Th Carnegie cit Brechin - Wm Hog in Gellane, Alex Graiddin in Manelhous | |
1627/7/11 | Edict Marytoun umqll [blank] Bowman sp to Geo Carnegie - Elisabeth Wright sp to Th Hall, Gelis Huntar sp to John Nicoll, Euphame Willie sp to Mathew Graham, Elisabeth Wright sp to Th Hall, Christiane Graham sp to Ja Dun vobster, Jean Buizeon dtr to Th Buizeon, Ja Stewart in Bonitoun, Wm Hill, Christiane Paterson, Alex Hall, [blank] sp to Matganet? Laisson | ||
1627/7/21 | Surrogation Mr Rot Stratton of Strathe procurator for Marg Stratton relict to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | ||
71 | 1627/7/21 | John & Ja Butter sons & exers to umqll John Butter of Garmok, John Falcon now her sp - Jean Drummond dtr to umqll John Drummond of Blair, Mr Harry Drummond her sp | |
1627/7/21 | John earl of Mar, Geo Home his chalmerlane - Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | ||
1627/7/21 | Da lord Carnegie - Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | ||
1627/7/23 | Probation Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew - John earl of Mar, Geo Home his chalmerlane | ||
1627/7/23 | Decret Marg Stratton relict to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew - Mr Rot Stratton of Strathe | ||
72 | 1627/7/23 | Decret Henry Maule in Carmyllie, John Forestar of Dayhous, John Pilmor in Achrenny - Wm Ja Da Pa & Elspet Clark children exer to umqll Wm Clark in Canniestoun? - Pa Maule of Panmure | |
73 | 1627/7/30 | Decret Jean Drummond dtr to umqll John Drummond of Blair, Mr Harry Drummond now her sp - John & Ja Butter sons & exer to umqll John Butter of Garmok | |
75 | 1627/7/30 | Edict umqll And Beattie yr merch burg Montrose, Marg Jean & Helen Beattie his dtrs & exer | |
1627/7/30 | Surrogation John Mylne burg Montrose, umqll And Beattie yr burg Montrose | ||
76 | 1627/7/30 | Decret Da lord Carnegie of Kynnard - Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew - Mr Rot Stratton in Strathe, Da Noray cit Brechin | |
77 | 1627/7/30 | Decret John earl of Mar lord Erskine & Garioche, Geo Home his chalmerlane - Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew - Mr Rot Stratton in Strathe, Da Noray cit Brechin | |
78 | 1627/8/6 | Jean Muir relict to umqll Wm Taylor in Drumleiche, [blank] now her sp | |
79 | 1627/8/13 | Liquidation John Hind in Kethik | |
1627/8/13 | Edict Curatore Ja & Jean Gold children to umqll Wm Gold in Cailoche? & umqll Catherine Mylne his sp - Ja Gold in Carharncorss & John Gold his son nearest of kin on the father side - Alex Mylne in Acrounie & Duncan Mylne in Glenmack nearest of kin on the mother side - Da & Wm Low in Glentennet, John Bowman, Ja Gold in Carharncorss & Wm Nicoll in Magwie | ||
80 | 1627/8/18 | John Mylne bowar burg Montrose exer surrogate to umqll And Beattie yr burg Montrose | |
1627/8/18 | Ja Pearson fear of Balmadies surrogate dative to umqll And Beattie yr merch burg Montrose | ||
1627/8/20 | Wm Ja Da Pa & Elspet Clark children & exers to umqll Wm Clark in Cammestoun, Pa Ammer in Panbryd - Henry Maule in Carmyllie, John Forestar of Dayhous, John Pilmor in Achrounie - Ja Melville in Cragtoun, Alex Scot at the narns [mains?] of Panmure, Marg Davidson relict to umqll Alex Ramsay in Dundee | ||
83 | 1627/9/10 | Edict Panbryd umqll Wm Kyd - Rot Wobster in Newtoun, Henry Ramsay, Ja Duncan | |
1627/9/10 | Edict Strachan umqll Isobell Symmer sp to Ja Johnston sometime in Tillequhomie - Christian Sueitt in Nether Tillelan, Agnes Mackie sp to Da Mackie in Balblythe, Marg Jameson sp to Adam Home in Knokhill, Christaine Robertson sp to Pa Ross in Hanhe | ||
1627/9/10 | Edict umqll John Fordell in Brechin - John Scot son to Th Scot merchant Brechin, Christiane Arrot sp to Wm Murray there, Marg Quhyt sp to Th Blackhall, Christaine Cob sp to Alex Syme in Unthank, John Blek in Pitpullokis, Richard Speid eld there, Rot Farlie taylor in Brechin, Jonet Jack in Kindrochit, Marg Elder sp to Da Steromss?, Christiane Findlo sp to Geo Brewhous, [blank] sp to John Thaust? [blank] sp to John Scot yr, Catherine? Ramsay sp to Ja Clark merch | ||
84 | 1627/10/17 | Hercules Cramond of Balhall, John Ramsay of Balnabriche, Catherine & Isobell Coull exer to umqll Marg Miller sp to John Schewan notar - Th Liddell eld cit Brechin, Mathew Bowman there | |
1627/10/17 | Da Archibald wright in Brechin - Da Archibald in Cragend | ||
1627/11/5 | Rot Gawin in Drumlethe exer to umqll Alex Andrew merch Drumlethe - Ja Thome now at the kirk of Strachan, Bessie Robertson his sp | ||
1627/11/10 | Edict umqll Wm Forbes aldsaidler cordiner burg Dundee, Grissell Spalding his relict, Wm Forbes brother son to sd umqll Wm F | ||
85 | 1627/11/19 | Decret Pa Bruce in Mairtounlaw - Marg Stratton exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | |
1627/11/21 | Edict Lethnot umqll Alex Smythe ib Tilledowie - Rot Gold in Achquirie, Wm Archibald there, Wm Mairtoun in Finnache, Wm Adam in Athorie, Elisabeth Lindsay sp to Rot Hillok there, Ja Burne in Auldtoun, Wm Campbell in Athorie, John Bellie at the mylne of Lethnot | ||
86 | 1627/11/26 | Edict Montrose umqll Marie Kethe dtr to umqll Rot Kethe burg Montrose - [blank] Renny sp to Da Schewan yr, Marg Wod sp to Rot Graham there, Wm Macken there, John Thomson maltman there | |
1627/11/26 | Ja Pearson fear of Balmadies exer to umqll And Beattie yr merch burg Montrose - John Mylne burg Montrose | ||
1627/12/3 | John Mylne burg Montrose, umqll Wm Petre eld burg Montrose, Pa Lichtoun - Ja Pearson fear of Balmadies exer to umqll And Beattie yr merch burg Montrose - Re. contract of marriage betw umqll Wm P & umqll And B dated 1609 | ||
87 | 1627/12/5 | Decret Ja Pearson fear of Balmadies exer to umqll And Beattie yr merch burg Montrose - John Mylne merch/bower burg Montrose, umqll Wm Petre eld burg Montrose, Pa Lichtoun burg Montrose, Elspet Petrie dtr to umqll Wm P her contract of marriage April 1609 w umqll And B | |
88 | 1627/12/8 | Exoneration Marg Stratton relict exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew - earl of Mar, Geo Home his chalmerlane, Da lord Carnegie, Pa Bruce in Marytoun, Mr Rot stratton of Strathe | |
92 | 1627/12/15 | Euphame Liddell relict to umqll And Wat merch cit Brechin, John Dempster sometime of Balrownie now her sp - Marg Stratton relict exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | |
1627/12/19 | Decret Regration Euphame Liddell relict to umqll And Wat merch cit Brechin, John Dempster now her sp - Marg Stratton relict exer to umqll John Noray master of Maisondew | ||
93 | 1627/12/19 | Decret Regration Rot Graham in Guidoun - Christian Michell exer to umqll John Moncreif in Auld Montrose - umqll Marion Graham sister to sd Rot G & relict to umqll Rot Graham at the Mylne of Auld Montrose | |
95 | 1628/1/19 | Mr Ja Auchinlek minister Caittnis exer to umqll Marion Auchinlek his sister - Wm Pearson skinner burg Dundee - Ja Ogilvy of Duntrun | |
1628/1/23 | Edict Brechin umqll Marg Hantoun sp to John Scott in Dubtoun - John Coull wobster at the Mekill Mylne of Brechin & Agnes Miller his sp, Catherine & Isobell Coull their children | ||
96 | 1628/1/26 | Advocation Wm Pearson skinner burg Dundee - Mr Ja Auchinlek minister at Caittnis exer to umqll Marion Auchinlek his sister | |
1628/2/9 | Ja Melville in Cragtoun - Gilbert Buchant fleschor Dundee | ||
97 | 1628/2/13 | Wm Goldman of Flashill exer to umqll Dr Peter Goldman - John Goldman burg Dundee | |
1628/2/13 | Mr Colin Campbell minister Dundee keeper of the buth within the bibliachick of the kirk of Dundee - Wm Goldman of Flashill exer to umqll Dr Peter Goldman dr of medicin | ||
1628/2/23 | Decret Wm Goldman of Flashill exer to umqll Dr Peter Goldman dr of medicin in Dundee - John Goldman merch burg Dundee - Ja Chricton commissar of Dunkeld, Alex Campbell of Crewnan | ||
98 | 1628/2/23 | Decret Mr Colin Campbell minister Dundee keeper of the buth within the bibliachick of the kirk of Dundee - Wm Goldman of Flashill burg Dundee exer to umqll Dr Peter Goldman dr of medicin -[includes a list of books gifted to the library] | |
103 | 1628/3/1 | John Ramsay sometime commissar of Brechin - Mr John Piggot minister Leithnot, John Duncan baxter, John Syme, John Mylne bedlell?, John Quheit penderar | |
1628/3/5 | Edict umqll Da Ramsay messenger cit Brechin, Marg Miller his sp | ||
104 | 1628/3/5 | Da Bellie yr cit Brechin - Alex Barclay now of West Achleuchie son & air to umqll Da Barclay of West Achleuchie, Da Beaton of Carsgownie, John Collace yr fear of Bonmon - W. 1617: Geo Ogilvy son in law to sd Da Beaton | |
106 | 1628/3/29 | Da Knyt sometime servitor to John Collace fear of Bonmon - Ja Fairweather in Blairnow | |
1628/4/16 | Edict umqll Matild Jonston in Nainsfurd - Walt & Ja Michell in Cloak, Mariore Langlands in Greinden, John Broun in Fernall, Geils Hog sp to Wm Scot, Grissell Ramsay sp to John Mylne in Fithrie, [blank] Scrymgeour sp to Wm Car in Fernall, Matilda Low sp to Ja Wyllie in E Futhe, Da Vuidroune in Litill Carcare, Isobell Inglis sp to Geo Scott, Alex Mylne in Mekill Carcare, Catherine Scot sp to Ja Sympson in W Futhe, [blank] Mureson sp to Alex Robertson in Croscheid, Marg Jameson sp to And Vuidroue in Litill Carcare, [blank] Scot sp to Ja Rinleson? in Litill Futhe, John Carat Fernall Mylne, Jonet Lindsay in Futhe | ||
107 | 1628/4/9 | Edict umqll Walt Duncan in Achtine - Th Carzon in Bracow, Henry Fairweather in Blairnow, Th Gold in Bracow, Wm Michell in Balirnow, Catherine Brok sp to Archibald Bomar, Jonet Findlow sp to Ja Huntar, Jonet Gold in Tillbir?, Mariore Honge in Vatteheid, Steven Mather in Tillequhillie, John Carzon in [blank], Catherine Smart in Bracow, Th Young, Rot Chrystison, Wm Dorwart & his wife, And Couper & his sp, Wm Darne in [blank] | |
1628/4/9 | Edict Lethnot umqll Wm Archibald in Achquhorie - Wm Martin in Finache, Wm Adam in Achchorie, Elisabeth Lindsay sp to Rot Hillok there, Ja Burne in Auldtoun, Wm Campbell in Achorie, John Bellie at the Mylne of Lethnot, [blank] Burne his sp, Rot Cowie in Auldtoun, Alex Smythe in [blank] | ||
108 | 1628/4/23 | Edict Brechin umqll Geo Murray in Brechin - [blank] sp to Wm Adam in Kethik, Agnes Hanton sp to John Scot in Dubtoun, Bessie Donaldson sp to Wm Knox cit Brechin | |
1628/5/12 | Surrogation Nicolas & Marg Clark children to Ja Clark merch cit Brechin & umqll Christiane Ramsay his sp | ||
109 | 1628/5/14 | Edict Finneven umqll Christiane Aleis in Draikmyur of Achnaidy? - And Dagatie in Blakdykis, Lilias Donaldson sp to Ja Bowman in Hilsyid, Elspet Buchart sp to Da Fyif in Quhytforet, And Fyif in [blank] | |
1628/5/14 | Edict Dundee umqll And Matheson bonatmaker in Hill - Wm Mylne merch Dundee, Isobell Boyack sp to Wm Dorwart merch, Wm Galloway, Matilda Pearson, Gilbert Maiddin, Wm Lindsay in Dundee, Da Lindsay there, Ja Robertson brabiner, Jonet Knyt sp to Pa Dynneis, Da Frinzeill?, Walt Clark there, Wm Guthrie, John Scrymgeour baxter, Walt Queror?, John Small skipper, Roger Bowar, Mr Wm Fargasson, Walt Leis officiar, Th Duncan maltman, Pa Auchinlek, Peter Wedderburne, Walt Paterson, Christiane Vandin?, Ja Ross in Dundee, Wm Robertson maltman, Jonet Couper, And Ogilvy, Alex Bultie, Jonet Bultie, Th Smythe, Catherine Rob, Jonet Broun sp to Wm Laisson, John & [blank] Symmer?, Grissel Duncan, Wm Symmevaill, Jonet Paterson, Barbara Shipheid, Hugh Symmevaill tymmerman, Elspet Alarge, Marion Symme, Baithill Morine?, Marg Smythe, John Willie coup, And Rinkin mariner, Elspet Lyell sp to Th Quhyt, Christiane Craufurd sp to John Duncan, [blank] Henderson sp to Th Constable in Baldowe, Magdalen Adeson, Jonet Law sp to John Cunningham, Jonet Fraser sp to Ja Durham of Pittarow, Elspet Herot, Alex Gray maltman, Geo Nicoll maltman, Bessie Kynnard, Bessie Peter, Mr Ja Wedderburne clerk, Peter Wedderburne his brother | ||
110 | 1628/5/17 | Absolvitor John Shewan notar Brechin exer to umqll Da Ramsay messenger Brechin - Geo Bellie in Pentostall, Marg Malder his sp | |
111 | 1628/5/26 | Decret John Schewan notar Brechin exer to umqll Marg Millar his sp & exer to umqll Da Ramsay messenger Brechin her first sp - Mathew Bowman cit Brechin - Hercules Crammond of Balhall, John Ramsay of Balnabriche | |
112 | 1628/5/26 | Absolvitor John Schewan notar Brechin exer to umqll Marg Millar his sp & exer to umqll Da Ramsay messenger Brechin - Th Liddell eld cit Brechin | |
1628/5/31 | Ja Clark cit Brechin - And Duncan burg Montrose | ||
113 | 1628/5/31 | Da Collace son to umqll Rot Collace of Bonmon - Mr Da Campbell dean of Brechin | |
1628/6/21 | Rot Lundie sometime in Penileys? now in Staine of Morphie - Pa Lichtoun burg Montrose as air to umqll Rot Lichtoun of Ullishewin his brother | ||
114 | 1628/6/21 | Marion Durham relict to umqll And Ross skipper burg Dundee - Helen Abercrombie exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee | |
1628/6/23 | And Kynners merch burg Dundee, Geo Campbell brother to Mr Colin Campbell burg Dundee - Helen Abercrombie exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee | ||
1628/6/30 | Probation Helen Abercrombie relict exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee - Marion Durham relict to umqll And Ross burg Dundee | ||
115 | 1628/7/2 | And Dempster in Barneyeards, Alex Dempster burg Danisken? - Ja Kyd burg Dundee, Ja Small burg Dundee | |
1628/7/5 | Advocation Ja Kyd burg Dundee, Ja Small burg Dundee - And Dempster in Barneyeards, Alex Dempster burg Danisken? | ||
1628/7/5 | Probation Helen Abercrombie exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee - And Kynners merch burg Dundee, Geo Campbell | ||
116 | 1628/7/5 | Decret Marion Durham relict to umqll And Ross skipper burg Dundee - Helen Abercrombie relict exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee | |
117 | 1628/7/9 | Edict umqll Alex Alschende in Capo, [blank] Raitt sp to Arthur Malder at the mylne of Syd, Da Ferrar in Stracathrow, [blank] Bellie in Ardow, John Reid there, Alex Drymme | |
1628/7/9 | Decret And Kynners merch burg Dundee, Geo Campbell brother to Mr Colin Campbell minister Dundee - Helen Abercrombie relict exer to umqll Ja Ross mariner burg Dundee | ||
119 | 1628/7/23 | Richard Spark sometime at the Brig of Dy now in Drumforbor - Rot Tod in Barneyards of Glembervie | |
1628/7/23 | Edict Tortoquhie umqll Marg Michell sp to Th Lindsay in Rottnall - Alex Ogilvy in Glenmoy, And Donnald in Rottnall, Th Quhyt & Marg Chrystie his sp, Isobell Hendrie sp to Ja Forrestar in Brucebuthall, Alex Donnald in Schank, Mariore Bruce sp to Wm Trottar in Colzenne, Isobell Smart sp to Alex Dawie in Eglismaquhein, Mariore Adestoun sp to Alex Lindsay ald baillie, Jonet Edward sp to Th Ogilvy in Brebuthall, [blank] Mather sp to Alex Findlow in Schank, Steven Mather there, Jean Pearson sp to Alex Ogilvy in Schilhill, Marg Low sp to Lathlome Wobster in Aqmuir?, Ja Donnald in Rottnall, Isobell Man in Blackburn, Wm Fuid in [blank] Walt Thomson & Isobell Fuid in [blank] both dead, Mr Joseph Rea minister Tortoquhe | ||
1628/7/23 | Alex Leslie in Arddnellie brother exer to umqll John Leslie yr of Ardgathne? In parish of Pettrinfuidy? - Da Noray cit Brechin | ||
120 | 1628/7/26 | Decret Alex Leslie in Ardnellie brother germ exer to umqll John Leslie yr of Ardgathne in parish of Pettrinfuidy? - Da Noray cit Brechin - Mr John Hay commissar of Murray [Moray] | |
121 | 1628/7/30 | Advocation Mr Wm Huntar exer to umqll Da Huntar burg Dundee his father - umqll Barbara Huntar sister to sd Mr Wm H | |
122 | 1628/8/18 | Liquidation Ja Guthrie of Over Pitforthe | |
1628/8/18 | Ja Walleis cit Brechin - Anna Thomson sp to Donald Fargasson in Brechin | ||
1628/8/20 | Agnes Thomson sp to Donald Fargasson wright Brechin - Ja Wallies in Brechin | ||
123 | 1628/9/17 | Edict umqll Marg Baxter sp to John Smythe in Montrose - Da Angus, Elspet Petre mother to Pa Lichtoun, Marg Anderson sp to John Adam in Hill of Heddervell?, John Findlow yr, Christiane Taylor sp to Alex Rennot burg Montrose, Jonet Quhittnis, John? Falcon sp to John Fullartoun , Wm Mackein eld, [blank] Carnegie his sp, Marg Wod sp to Rot Graham, Rot Kethe eld, Marie Erskine, Grissel Gryisre? in Montrose | |
1628/9/17 | Edict umqll Ja Bowar merch burg Dundee | ||
124 | 1628/10/8 | Edict Dundee umqll Th Fenton horsherrar? Dundee | |
125 | 1628/10/22 | Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun - Ja Mureson sometime at the milne of Over Dysart | |
1628/10/25 | Ja Mureson in Balstuit? - Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun | ||
126 | 1628/10/25 | Edict Curatorium Rot Collace son to John Collace of Bonmon - Mr Da Collace son to umqll Rot Collace of Bonmon, Mr Pa Collace son to umqll Th Collace of Pitforkie nearest of kin to sd Rot C on the father side - John Ogilvy & Th Ogilvy sons to Mr Da Ogilvy of Petmowes nearest of kin on the mother side - Mr Da Ogilvy of Petmowes, John Oudny cit Brechin | |
127 | 1628/11/1 | Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun - Ja Mureson in Balstuit | |
1628/11/3 | Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun - Ja Mureson in Balstuit | ||
1628/11/8 | Nicolas & Marg Clark children to Ja Clark merch cit Brechin & umqll Christiane Ramsay his sp - And Duncan merchant burg Montrose | ||
128 | 1628/11/10 | Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun - Ja Mureson in Balstuit | |
1628/11/12 | Nicolas Wardlaw lady Bonitoun - Ja Mureson then at the mylne of Over Dysart now in Balstuit | ||
130 | 1628/11/12 | Edict umqll Christiane Maisterton sp to John Dom in Darie | |
131 | 1628/11/12 | Edict umqll John Spalding in Drumflogne alt Drumheid, John Spalding his son - Geo Lyon in Litill Coull | |
1628/11/15 | Wm Lindsay son to umqll Geo Lindsay in [blank] - John Chepman now in Montrose | ||
132 | 1628/11/15 | Nicolas & Marg Clark exer to umqll Christiane Ramsay sp to Ja Clark cit Brechin - And Duncan merch burg Montrose - John Cargill cit Brechin, Wm Scott cit Brechin, Alex Erskine cit Brechin, Alex Scot cit Brechin | |
1628/11/15 | Decret John Schewan notar cit Brechin exer to umqll Da Ramsay messenger Brechin - Alex Skair in Murehillok | ||
133 | 1628/11/17 | Decret Nicolas & Marg Clark children to Ja Clark merch cit Brechin & umqll Christian Ramsay his sp - And Duncan merch burg Montrose - John Cargill, Wm Scott, Alex Erskine, Alex Fyff all 4 cit in Brechin | |
136 | 1628/11/19 | John Chepman burg Montrose - Wm Lindsay son to umqll Geo Lindsay | |
1628/11/22 | Wm Lindsay son to umqll Geo Lindsay in [blank] - John Chepman now in Montrose, Rot D... in Nether Carestoun | ||
137 | 1628/11/27 | Harry Fethie lister burg Dundee exer to umqll Rot Strachan burg Dundee - Th Scott merch burg Dundee | |
1628/11/29 | Mr Ja Strachan of Fettercarne - Nicolas Guthrie & Wm Lyon cit Brechin her sp | ||
1628/11/29 | Edict Dundee umqll John Thornton mariner Dundee, John Thornton his son - Th Jack merch Dundee, John Fullarton skipper Dundee, Pa Spence, umqll Ja Auchinlek, Da Pson [Pearson?] skipper, Th Alexander, John Auchinlek, Wm Baillie, [blank] Kyd mariners Dundee | ||
138 | 1628/12/3 | Wm Lindsay skipper burg Dundee exer to umqll Wm Lindsay his newoy [nephew or grandson] | |
1628/12/6 | Edict curatorie John Gordon eldest son to umqll Pa Gordon brother german to Geo Gordon of Gight - Sir Geo Gordon eld of Gight, John Gordon of Arlogie nearest of kin on father side - Rot Erskine of Ardestie, Mr Da Erskine in Tayock nearest of kin on mother side - Alex Erskine of Dun, John Erskine in Dinsmylne | ||
140 | 1629/2/25 | Edict Glenmulla umqll Helen Ramsay sp to Da Ogilvy app of Newtoun, Ja & Gilbert Ogilvy their only children - Wm Macknicoll? In Litill Forthor, Ja Clark yr in Holmiore, Jonet Fenton, John Robbie in Crapheid, Catherine Findlow sp to Wm ..., Catherine Findlow sp to Ballaistar Buroun, Helen Patton sp to John Quhytt, Beatrix Ratry sp to Da Oftlair, Jonet Edward, Marg Duncan sp to John Syme, John Robson, Wm Robson, Colin Clark, Marg Hall, Jonet Nicoll sp to Th Scott, [blank] Sympson sp to Archibald Futhe, Jonet Hendrie sp to Da Aikin, Ja Glenny in Inshache, John Don in Mekill Dare, Jonet Pellie sp to John Bruce in Cammok | |
141 | 1629/3/25 | Edict umqll Helen Taylor sp to John Mathew in Pendriche - [blank] Speid sp to John Syme in Cragend, John Moreis in Balnabriche, And Willie there, Isobell Shiphird sp to Ja Alshende, Ja Priss merch Brechin | |
142 | 1629/4/15 | Edict Dundee umqll Agnes Flendge - Annapall Chrystie, Alex Clark, Marg Clark, Jonet Thornton, Elspet Hodge, Marg Bellie, Jonet Moreis, Christiane Wedderburne, Marg Lochmalony, [blank] Auchinlek dtr to umqll John Auchinlek mariner | |
1629/4/15 | Edict umqll And Gill merch burg Dundee | ||
143 | 1629/4/29 | Edict Dunnichen Elspet Ouchterlony sp to Mr John Rig minister - Isobell Adam sp to John Pit in Dunnichen, Alex Sturrok in Crathie, Bessie Alschende sp to Da Tindall in Drum, Alex Jarran in Tullois, Wm Boll yr, Alex Souttar, Isobell Kyd his sp, Marg Lamb sp to John Garland in Vuindeage - Isobell Ouchterlony dtr to umqll Ja Ouchterlony of Seaton, Marg Ouchterlony dtr to umqll Gilbert Ouchterlony of Muirdrum | |
144 | 1629/6/2 | Jonet Marscheill sp to Archibald Farquharson of Achnatrie - Hercules Carmond of Bilhall, Ja Cramond his son |
See also:
Parties in the Act Books of the Commissariot of Brechin
Parties in the Register of Deeds of the Commissariot of Brechin